2025 Furniture Trends: Functional Console Tables

Step into the 2025 interior design trends with console tables that balance functionality and style. These versatile pieces are taking center stage, offering different aesthetic solutions while enhancing the style of deluxe spaces. Whether paired with textured walls or sculptural shapes, this modern selection is a must-have.

2025 Furniture Trends: Functional Console Tables

Step into the 2025 interior design trends with console tables that balance functionality and style. These versatile pieces are taking center stage, offering different aesthetic solutions while enhancing the style of deluxe spaces. Whether paired with textured walls or sculptural shapes, this modern selection is a must-have.

Florida, a state resplendent in the southeastern region of the United States, is a land of perpetual sunshine. Nestled between the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the azure Atlantic Ocean to the east, the state is a picturesque masterpiece of nature. Transforming sights into deluxe living protagonists, Porus Studio designers conceived the Florida Console. The Florida Console is a must-have for any living space.

Florida Console

Florida console

Beverly Console

Beverly console

Sutter Console

Sutter console